Indalo Indigo Powder | The Best Natural Substitute for Dying Your Hair

Indigo Powder for hair


People are nowadays using various methods to colour their hair, some use cream-based chemical hair colours and some people use henna powder hair dye which contains natural ingredients. But do you know that indigo powder is also used to colour hair? 

Yes, you heard it right, it is the best natural substitute for dying hair.

Indigo Powder is an organic dye that is very famous nowadays for colouring hair black. In botanical language, it is known as Indigofera tinctoria. This Indigo powder is made using the leaves of the indigo plant. It gives natural and attractive deep blue colour. When used with henna it gives a dark shiny black colour to hair without chemicals.

Indalo brought you the best quality finest Indigo Powder for hair colouring. It does not contain any kind of chemicals like ammonia, PPD, barium, peroxide, etc. which is very harmful to your hair and skin. Indigo calms the heat and has a soothing effect and revitalizes the hair.


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